Digital Citizenship Recommendations
The concept of digital citizenship takes its point of departure from the general concept of citizenship. Although the concept of citizenship has been around for many years, there is no simple and unambiguous definition. In a world that is becoming increasingly connected, and where everyday life is becoming more digital, we now also have to rethink who and what citizens are and will become.
Digital citizenship extends beyond discussions of personal responsibility. It entails being active citizens who perceive possibilities rather than challenges and opportunities instead of risks, as they carefully cultivate a positive and impactful digital presence while upholding human rights and dignity. Citizenship is ever-evolving, and it requires ongoing conversation and debate. It does not exist in isolation but is an integral part of the community. In today’s context, digital citizenship has reshaped the scope and character of communities.
In 2021, 95% of young people in the EU made daily use of the internet.
These recommendations were initially co-developed as part of an international activity within the ‘Digital Citizenship – through Youth Glasses’ project, supported by the European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe. The aim of this project is to ensure the integration of young people’s perspectives into discussions on Digital Citizenship.
Digital technologies have also revolutionised the way citizens engage in different fields and directions. The concept of digital participation, in particular, has received significant attention in the rapidly changing landscape of digital citizenship. Through the adoption of digital tools and platforms, individuals can now actively contribute and collaborate in a faster and more efficient manner. Whether it be civic participation, political activism, social causes, or professional collaborations, the possibilities for digital engagement are vast. In addition, it also includes the active participation of groups of people (both unorganised and organised, such as non-governmental organisations, youth organisations, and others) in utilising digital technologies to engage with society, decision-makers, and various other stakeholders.