Digital Citizenship Course

This introductory course teaches learners WHAT is digital citizenship and WHY is it important in the digital era. The course explains the concepts such as citizenship, empowerment, youth participation and emerging issues and challenges in the digital environment. The course lays the foundations for better understanding of digital citizenship and active youth engagement and effective policy-making in the digital age.

Self-paced course

2 hours

With certification


Why take this course?

Creating a comprehensive online learning module on digital citizenship requires covering a wide range of topics to help learners understand the importance of responsible behavior in the digital world. Upon completion of this course, learners will be able to:

1. Define Digital Citizenship

Explain the concept of digital citizenship and its significance in the digital age.

2. Practice Ethical Behavior Online:

Demonstrate understanding of cyber ethics, netiquette, and respect for others in online communication. Identify and avoid plagiarism and copyright violations.

3. Manage Social Media and Digital Footprint:

Evaluate and manage one’s digital footprint, understanding its long-term implications.

Demonstrate responsible use of social media, avoiding cyberbullying, online hate speech and harassment.

4. Apply Critical Thinking and Media Literacy:

Evaluate the credibility of online information and sources. Recognize and discern fake news and misinformation. Develop critical thinking skills to analyze digital content effectively. Reflect on personal digital citizenship practices and make informed decisions in the digital realm.

5. Engage in Responsible Online Collaboration and Communication:

Collaborate effectively using digital tools while adhering to ethical guidelines. Exhibit empathy and respect in online interactions, promoting positive online communities. Advocate for responsible online behavior and digital literacy within personal and professional networks.

6. Anticipate Future Trends and Challenges:

Identify emerging technologies and their potential impact on digital citizenship. Discuss ethical considerations related to artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and augmented reality.

Why take this course?

1. Introduction to Digital Citizenship

Definition of Digital Citizenship
Importance of Digital Citizenship in the Digital Age
Evolution of the Internet and Digital Technologies

2. Ethical Behavior Online

Understanding Human Rights Online
Respect for Others: Online Communication and Netiquette
Understanding Plagiarism and Copyright Issues
Responsible Use of Information and Resources

3. Social Media and Digital Footprint

Understanding the Consequences of Your Digital Footprint
Understanding Online Hate Speech
Handling Cyberbullying and Online Harassment

4. Critical Thinking and Media Literacy

Identifying Reliable Sources of Information
Recognizing Fake News and Misinformation
Developing Critical Thinking Skills in the Digital World
Understanding Bias in Online Content

5. Online Collaboration and Communication

Using Digital Tools Effectively – Leveraging Digital Platforms for Social Transformation
Uniting Virtual Spaces for Mass Participation
Building and Advocating Online Communities

6. Future Trends in Digital Citizenship

Emerging Technologies and Their Impact on Digital Citizenship
Ethical Implications of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning and Digital Citizenship in Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Environments

Get your Certificate

After completing the course, you will get a certificate of completion. Once you complete all activities in each module, you will need to complete the final quiz at the end of the course before the certificate becomes automatically available for download. You can keep track of your progress and download your certificate under the “Certification” tab on the main course page.

Partners and contributors

This course is produced by CONNECT International with the support of the European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe. It does not necessarily reflect the official position of the Council of Europe.

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This website is developed within the project “Digital Citizenship – trough youth glasses”,supported by the European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe.